Executive Board Meeting – Feb 19, 2024

Location:  CWC Headquarters (Arkville, NY)

Present:  Ric Coombe, David Kukle, Steve Walker, Bud Gladstone, Edward Snow, Greg Vurckio, Will Outsen

Others:  Jeff Baker, Tim Cox, Jason Merwin, Bruce Dolph, Michelle Yost, Mary Crisafulli, Cher Woehl

1.  Call to Order:  Ric Coombe called the meeting to order at 6:15 pm.

2.  January 15, 2024 Meeting Minutes Approval:  Will identified two minor corrections needed to the minutes. Motion to approve the minutes with the corrections made by Ed Snow and seconded by Greg Vurckio.  Motion carried.    

3.  LAP/SAP Negotiations:  Jeff provided an update on the LAP/SAP negotiations.  He shared that the negotiations are proceeding in good faith, with all parties coming together on most of the issues.  He did share that Tom Snow, DEC, raised the idea of getting back to a backstop, suggesting a change to the already agreed upon language which allows for the towns/villages to approve the projects.  Tom was asked to bring to the next negotiation meeting a “layout” of the process for his suggestion. Jeff felt that this change would more than likely not occur, and for CWT the agreed upon language is a non-negotiable position.  That next negotiation meeting will be held in mid-March.   

4. Status of Amended City CE to State:   Jeff reported that discussions are still in progress on the Conservation Easement proposed amendments.  The discussions are mostly with the environmentalists and are not problematic but more for clarification and to provide an understanding on the issues.

5. State Wetlands Regulations:  Jeff provided an update on the amendments to the State Wetlands Regulations.  He reported that this is a slow process.  Further analysis is required, but Jeff shared that so far there is nothing in the regulations that targets or is different for the watershed than statewide.  That’s not to say that the new wetland regulations are not posing problems at the state level.   DEC has reached out to Jeff to have a special meeting regarding the impacts and issues of the amendments.   The primary issue deals with the interplay of the amended state regulations with the wetland regulations.  The change will be in the administration, specifically on how to determine if land is in the wetlands.  The wetlands will no longer be designated and identified on “maps”, as in the past, so there will more than likely be a significant impact in the timeframes for determining if land is in the wetlands.   There will be discussions with DEP to determine how this will work and how issues will be managed.   Board Members had an in-depth discussion on this topic with Jeff and Ric both agreeing that they will keep the board members apprised as it progresses.

6. CWC Report:  Jason shared the following information in his CWC report:

  • The annual meeting is scheduled for April 2 at CWC headquarters.  
  • $23 million contract for the storm water program was signed last week, so if any of the towns/villages need funding they should contact CWC.
  • RFP for the Community Vitality Study is being finalized, with completion scheduled for February 23rd.
  • Tim reported that the average repair/replacement time has gone down to 300 days, so individuals need to get their replacement/repairs completed within this designated timeframe.  There were 312 septic systems replaced last year.

7.  Warrants and Treasurer’s Report:  Bud reported that as of January 31, 2024, the checking account had $6,369.48 and the savings account had $102,586.98.  Bud also reported that, as approved by the Board Members in the December meeting, CWC had invested $50,000.00 in a CD with a maturity date of 1/24/2025.   Ed Snow made the motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, seconded by Steve Walker.  Report accepted.   Bud presented warrant #105 in the amount of $4,495.03 for payment of January legal fees.  Steve Walker made the motion to pay warrant #105, seconded by Will Outsen.  Motion carried.   

8.  Other:  Ric discussed the membership dues as we move forward.   Both Ric and Jeff agreed that we need to continue, as we need to ensure we have the financial resources in the event of any legal issues that may arise.  We do have funds in our accounts that could warrant bypassing collection of dues for the 2024 year, however both Ric and Jeff felt that if we gave relief for a year, it might be harder to reinstate collection in the subsequent years.  They suggested reducing the dues for the 2024 dues.   Greg reminded board members that the town/village budgets are set in advance and eliminating the funds for dues, then trying to reinstate in following year, would have an impact on these budgets.  Dave agreed with Greg, sharing that if the amount is reduced or eliminated this year, the funds would be gone (or redirected) and may not get reinstated due to the budget processes.  Ed suggested that we leave the dues status quo, and revisit if/when we end up in a legal contract/litigation situation.   All members agreed.  We will revisit this in future months.

Steve Walker asked if funds for stewardships will be included in projects.  Jeff stated that stewardship is one of the items that should be in every project.  He also shared that the Catskill Center will have primary responsibility to identify stewardship funding sources before going to the city.  Jeff re-iterated that towns should not approve a project if the stewardship funds do not meet their needs.

9.  AdjournMotion to adjourn was made by Bud Gladstone, seconded by Greg Vurckio.  Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm.

Executive Board Meeting – Jan 15, 2024

Location:  CWC Headquarters (Arkville, NY)

Present:  Ric Coombe, Scott Grey, David Kukle, Bud Gladstone, Edward Snow, David Edinger, Greg Vurckio, Will Outsen, Bill Federice

Others:  Jeff Baker, Jason Merwin, Bruce Dolph, Elizabeth DeFalco, Mary Crisafulli, Cher Woehl

1.  Call to Order:  Ric Coombe called the meeting to order at 6:22pm.

2.  December 18, 2023 Meeting Minutes Approval:  Motion to approve the minutes made by Ed Snow and seconded by Will Outsen.  Motion carried.    

3.  LAP/SAP Negotiations:  Jeff gave an update on the LAP/SAP negotiations sharing that they are moving forward and looking to wrap up the collaborative SAP process.  He shared that the city put together a report to DOH stating that negotiations were still in progress, and all is still going well with them.  DOH was appreciative of the report and the progress being made.  They did however indicate that the negotiations need to be completed by the end of June 2024.  Jeff explained that once the negotiations were completed it would take approximately 18 months to implement due to the various contract reviews and changes that will be required.  Jeff shared that one issue that continues to surface in the negotiations is the limitations in local laws on subdivisions.  Jeff had previously drafted model language for towns to adopt to allow for circumstance when city land acquisitions results in conflict with local laws.   He will share this language with the executive members.   Jeff further discussed that the Coalition’s position is if we get what we wanted for land acquisition in these negotiations, then we will work with the towns to implement and make the changes happen.  He further stated that if we reach an agreement then we will recommend the Coalition establishes a program to assist with this implementation in the towns.

4. Status of Amended City CE to State:   Jeff reported that comments on the Conservation Easement proposed amendments are due by the end of the month.  He shared that the State still had some questions that they are discussing. 

In general, Ric stated that CWT remains comfortable with all negotiations. We are proceeding in good faith and do not anticipate issues as we move forward.  

5. CWC Report:  Jason shared the following information in his CWC report:

  • CWC is working with DEP and the business-owner on the signage issue that was discussed in our December meeting.
  • Regarding the updates to the FAD, DEP is now required to have an annual meeting to discuss contract issues.  The annual meeting is scheduled for some time in February.  
  • CWC is 95% completed on the design of the Shokan Wastewater Plant.  This will be the largest wastewater plant in the watershed.

6.  Warrants and Treasurer’s Report:  Bud reported that as of December 31, 2023,
the checking account had $14,011.34 and
the savings account had $152,458.67. 
Ed Snow made the motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave Kukle. 
Report accepted.  
Bud presented warrant #104 in the amount of $3,918.58 for payment of December legal fees and October-December Administration fees. 
Bill Federice made a motion to pay warrant #104, seconded by David Edinger.  Motion carried.   
Bud shared with the members that he will reach out to Delaware County regarding the purchase of a CD in the amount of $50,000 as approved in the December 2023 meeting. 

7.  Other:  Will Outsen asked if there was any further information to share on the State’s 30/20/30 legislative proposal.  Jeff stated that he would look into this for the members.

8.  AdjournMotion to adjourn was made by Greg Vurckio, seconded by Ed Snow.  Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 7:14 pm.

Executive Board Meeting – Dec 18, 2023

Location:  CWC Headquarters (Arkville, NY)

Present:  Ric Coombe, Scott Grey, David Kukle, Steve Walker, Edward Snow, Christina Viafore, David Edinger, Greg Vurckio, Will Outsen, Bill Federice

Others:  Jeff Baker, Tim Cox, Jason Merwin, Nick Carbone, Bruce Dolph, Elizabeth DeFalco, Michelle Yost, DEP Deputy Commissioner Paul Rush, Cher Woehl

1.  Call to Order:  Ric Coombe called the meeting to order at 6:17pm.

2.  October 16,  2023 Meeting Minutes Approval:  Motion to approve the minutes made by Ed Snow and seconded by Greg Vurckio.  Motion carried.    

3.  Signage on City Property Issue:  Ric opened this discussion with a brief overview of the issue which deals with DEP notification to a business owner to remove their signage which is on City owned property.   The signage in question was for steam cleaning of boats which is required for boating use on the reservoirs.  Ric introduced DEP Deputy Commissioner Paul Rush, who attended the meeting to talk with members on this and share the status of actions moving forward.   Deputy Commissioner Rush explained the land use rules, which require land use permits for signage and shared the steps taken by DEP on this issue.   Deputy Commissioner Rush reiterated the need for organizations to work together in addressing issues and developing feasible solutions.   On this issue, DEP is working closely with CWC to potentially define and implement a “win-win” solution for all parties involved.   He also shared that there will be no action taken on this specific issue until a solution is developed.   Members and other meeting attendees voiced their appreciation and thanked Deputy Commissioner Rush for attending the meeting in person to provide the update on this issue.

4.  DEP Update:  Deputy Commissioner Rush took this opportunity of attending the CWT meeting to provide updates on what is happening at DEP.    He shared the following:

  • DEP is working on their Strategic Plan, which is anticipated to be released in early 2024.  The plan will address watershed issues that have been raised to DEP.
  • Procurements appear to be going easier with the changes made, however hiring is still happening slowly and DEP is finding it difficult to fill positions needed especially in Arkville.
  • Negotiations on the Land Acquisition and Stream Acquisition Programs are progressing, however members need to be aware that there are a lot of different organizations coming to the table, especially in the SAP negotiations, which has an impact of reaching final resolution.
  • An update on the 30 x 2030 legislation recently passed.  Specifically, this legislation states that by 2030,  30% of land will be owned by the State.   DEP was not consulted on this legislation nor were they aware of it prior to its passing and soon will be sitting at the table with stakeholders to discuss further.
  • An update on the tunnel closures.  The tunnel closure has been rescheduled for October 2024 due to issues that have arisen with the pumps handling the water flow; settlement and sink holes appearing; and impacts to private wells located near the tunnel.   DEP is working diligently and with tremendous effort to analyze these issues, including analysis of the ground conditions and wells before they implement the shutdown in October.

Ric thanked Deputy Commissioner Rush for attending the meeting and for providing an update to everyone on the DEP activities.  

5. CWT Board Member Vacancies:   Ric discussed the Delaware County CWT vacancies, explaining the process which entails Delaware County members chose an alternate to replace the vacated regular member position and that the alternate will be filled during the regular CWT elections in spring 2024.  

6.  LAP/SAP Negotiations:  Jeff provided a general overview on the ongoing LAP/SAP discussions and shared with members some of the key components addressed in the negotiations.  Negotiating sessions will occur in early January and February.   

7. Status of Amended City CE to State:   Jeff provided a brief overview on the status of these

8.  CWC Report:  Jason shared the following information in his CWC report:

  • CWC will be working with DEP on solutions for the signage issue, however, members need to understand that this will take time to develop.  Ric encouraged board members to think of any issues or questions on this matter and to share them with Jason as he moves forward with developing a viable solution with DEP.
  • CWC elections are coming up in April, with nominations due in February.  We will hold off CWT elections until after the CWC elections occur, as both CWC and CWT have vacancies that need to be filled for Delaware County.
  • CWC now has the authority to complete the FSR’s for septic maintenance.  They will be looking at what is needed, estimated costs, and the benefits to the towns/villages.  They also will be developing the designs and engineering needs.

9.  Warrants and Treasurer’s Report:  As Bud was not in attendance at the meeting, Ric asked Greg Vurckio to provide the treasurer’s report.   Greg reported that as of November 30, 2023
the checking account had $9,521.14 and
the savings account had $142,816.43. 
David Kukle made the motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, seconded by Ed Snow.  Report accepted.  

Bud presented warrant #103 in the amount of $8,715.59 for payment of October and November legal fees and payment to Delaware County Treasurer for fees for checks. 
Steve Walker made a motion to pay warrant #103, seconded by Bill Federice.  Motion carried.   

Ric raised the question on if CWT should buy a CD.   Brief discussion occurred and
David Kukle made the motion to put $50,000 in a CD for 6 months to 1 year, seconded by Will Outsen.  Motion was carried. 
We will be checking with Delaware County Treasurers office on the CD rates at our current bank and proceed from there. 

10.  Executive SessionEd Snow made the motion to go into an executive session, Will Outsen seconded the motionMotion carried and the executive session started at 7:10 pm.  Invited to remain during the session were: Tim Cox, Jason Merwin, Bruce Dolph, Nick Carbone and Michelle Yost.    Ed Snow made the motion to end the executive session, seconded Bill Federice.   Motion carried and the executive session ended at 8:04 pm.

11.  AdjournMotion to adjourn was made by David Edinger, seconded by Greg Vurckio.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.

Executive Board Meeting – Oct 16, 2023

Location:  CWC Headquarters (Arkville, NY)

Present:  Ric Coombe, Scott Grey, David Kukle, Steve Walker, Edward Snow, Bud Gladstone, Winifred Zubin, Christina Viafore, David Edinger, Greg Vurckio

Others:  Jeff Baker, Tim Cox, Jason Merwin, Nick Carbone, Bruce Dolph, Elizabeth DiFalco, Michelle Yost, Mary Crisafulli, Cher Woehl

1.  Call to Order:  Ric Coombe called the meeting to order at 6:15pm.

2.  June 19, 2023, Meeting Minutes Approval:  Motion to approve the minutes made by Greg Vurckio and seconded by Ed Snow.  Motion carried.

3.  LAP/SAP Negotiations:  Jeff gave a status update on the LAP/SAP negotiations. Meetings on the LAP/SAP have been very positive, and he anticipated that the upcoming meeting with the City would result in approval and agreement on projects requiring the town/village approval before submission.   This would support the CWT recommendations and address the ongoing concerns regarding to have the Towns and Villages involved in the processes.   Jeff also shared that the State’s draft of the wetlands law should be released in December or January, with the requirement to be adopted by the end of 2024.     It is anticipated that there will be a lot of questions on how to implement the law.   He anticipates that several meetings will occur to identify and address the concerns, issues and solutions.  Jeff will keep the members apprised as this all rolls out.

4. Status of Amended City CE to State:   Regarding the Conservation Easement amendments, Jeff indicated the issues with the SAP need to be completed before moving forward on these amendments.  

Discussion amongst the members occurred centering around the license agreements with landowners for LAP/SAP.  Questions were raised on whether every county must do the same thing and will all be offered the same opportunities, etc.  It was explained that this will likely be a pilot program which will allow the Towns/Villages to review and approve the projects.  If the majority of the Towns/Villages do not opt in then issues will be addressed after the pilot is completed.  after the pilot, the issues will be addressed.  The pilot program will be handled on a ‘project-by-project’ basis.  There will be no blanket yes or no on the proposed projects.  The Towns/Villages will be able to look at the projects individually.

Ric reminded everyone that the core objective CWT is after is changes to LAP and that CWT is one of the people sitting at the table.  He re-iterated that if the main goal is reducing LAP, then we also need some viable form of SAP.  Bottom line if we say NO SAP/NO LAP then we lose everything including our seat at the negotiations.

A question was raised regarding the City’s agreement to case-by-case purchases?  Jeff indicated that the City is open to it.  He reminded everyone that the City will be measuring success based on metrics that will provide answers to “How do we know it will work?”   “How do we know towns will participate?” etc.  Our goal is to demonstrate and provide the answers to these metric questions.  We will need to amend our soil and stream contracts to build these measurements in and to provide full budget items. 

David asked how much leverage a municipality has to include the stewardship needs in the contracts.  Everyone agrees that there is a dire need for robust stewardship in the program.    Jeff acknowledged this to be a very valid point and felt it was appropriate to include these needs in the contracts.

As this discussion was wrapping up, David raised questions regarding a stabilization project where there is a failing slope that needs to be repaired.  Specifically he asked if the Landowner could say no to the project?  And does the city have to say yes to the project?  Jason shared that if the city allows the work to occur they must also get the appropriate permits from DEC.   Ric shared that our overall goal is to want the City to compel and be willing to participate in a good project.  We need to provide sound science supported projects and do a better job at marketing these projects to gain the overall support. 

5.  CWC Report:  Jason shared that everything was going well on the various efforts currently in progress at CWC.  No major issues or concerns to report.

6.  Warrants and Treasurer’s Report:   Bud reported that as of October 31, 2023,
the checking account had $9,519.73 and
the savings account had $120,433.68.  
David Edinger made the motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, seconded by Steve Walker.  Report accepted.  
Bud presented warrant #102 in the amount of $5,563.10 for payment of September legal fees and July-September Administration fees. 
Ed Snow made a motion to pay warrant #102, seconded by David Kukle.  Motion carried.

7.  Other: Ric reminded and asked everyone to keep looking for compelling land swap examples that can be used in the supporting arguments for allowing land swaps.   Ric also reported that the Wastewater Treatment discussions and meetings are continuing.   Ric also shared with everyone that the annual dues letter was sent out on October 12. 

8.  AdjournMotion to adjourn was made by Ed Snow, seconded by Bud Gladstone.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 7:16 pm.

Executive Board Meeting – June 19, 2023

Location:  CWC Headquarters (Arkville, NY)

Present:  Ric Coombe, Scott Grey, David Kukle, Steve Walker, Edward Snow, Bud Gladstone, Will Outsen, Christina Viafore, David Edinger, Greg Vurckio

Others:  Jeff Baker, Tim Cox, Jason Merwin,  Nick Carbone, Bruce Dolph, Michelle Yost, Mary Crisafulli, Elizabeth DiFalco, Cher Woehl

1.  Call to Order:  Ric Coombe called the meeting to order at 6:15pm.

2.  May 15,  2023 Meeting Minutes Approval:  Motion to approve the minutes made by Ed Snow and seconded by Bud Gladstone.  Motion carried.    

3.  LAP/SAP Negotiations:  Jeff briefed members on the stakeholder meeting sharing that they were able to get universal agreement on the framework which stresses working together as a unified team. This approach was used by Greene County Soil & Water District and the Catskill Center with the goal of establishing a template on the process and how it works.  The exercise with Greene County will demonstrate how to involve towns from the beginning and throughout the process, with decisions made by the local municipalities.  This will be a “bottom up” process with collaborations by the agencies, the municipalities, and the landowner.   Ric suggested we continue as a group to look for more “real-life” examples, showing what works and what doesn’t.   

Jeff also shared that there were concerns at the stakeholder meeting regarding the core LAP and when will it be addressed.  Jeff stated that they will start dealing with this at the July meeting.   He also explained that the LAP Long-Term Acquisition Plan that was distributed to the members is a placeholder document required by the FAD, submitted by the city but subject to further negotiations.   Negotiations are still in progress and will continue until resolutions are agreed upon.  Jeff then gave an overview of the plan, including a brief history of the LAP program.  

4. Status of Amended City CE to State:  Jeff gave a status on the City Conservation Easement amendments, stating that they are awaiting the response from the State.  Nick Carbone shared a letter from DEP to the Town of Roxbury re: Turnaround Construction Request that was denied due to conservation easement restrictions.  A brief discussion of this letter followed.

5.  Exploring Opportunities for Increased Connections to City WWTPs:  Ric and Jason reported on the wastewater treatment facility meeting, sponsored by CWC.  The meeting was attended by CWC, CWT and various municipalities with city-owned wastewater treatment plants.   Ric, Jason and CWT Executive Board members that attended the meeting all agreed it was a great success.  It gave attendees the  opportunity to not only meet others, but exchange ideas and issues.    Margaretville provided input on the challenges they faced dealing with inflow and infiltration (I & I), and how they achieved a successful solution, which entailed hard work on the municipality’s part and holding the city accountable for their end.  Ric stated that the hope was to leave the meeting with a baseline, which would include information on current capacity  and potential growth, and then move forward from there.  He asked that all members reach out to the communities that weren’t in attendance at the meeting to gather more information.  These communities my not have issues but they have knowledge and information that is beneficial to the discussions.      

6. CWC Report:  Jason provided a brief report on the status of various projects in progress at CWC, including the septage feasibility study and the New Kingston and Shokan wastewater projects.  Jason also shared that to date 29 septics have been replaced.  

7.  Warrants and Treasurer’s Report:   Bud reported that as of May 31, 2023, the checking account had $8,902.64 and the savings account had $138,864.76.  Greg Vurckio made the motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, seconded by Ed Snow.  Report accepted.   Bud presented warrant #100 in the amount of $7,705.50 for payment of June legal fees.  Steve Walker made a motion to pay warrant #100, seconded by David Edinger.  Motion carried.

9.  Dues Report:  Ric shared that there are 5 towns/villages (Hamden, Hurley, Rochester, Shandaken and Village of Hunter) that still have outstanding dues for 2022.  Our goal is to keep these municipalities as CWT members as it will benefit everyone.  He asked board members to reach out to these municipalities and he will as well. 

10.  AdjournMotion to adjourn was made by Ed Snow , seconded by Greg Vurckio.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 6:59 pm.  

July CWT Meeting Cancelled

Hi Everyone, 

The July CWT Meeting is cancelled.   With all the summer plans folks have, cancelling our meeting seemed the right thing to do!    I will let everyone know the status of our August meeting as we get closer to the date.  

Enjoy the month off!!!
Cher Woehl 
CWT Admin. Asst.