Executive Board Meeting – Jan 16, 2023

January 16, 2023 CWT Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Location:  CWC Headquarters (Arkville, NY)

Present:  Ric Coombe, Scott Grey, Edward Snow, Bud Gladstone, Winifred Zubin, Greg Vurckio, Will Outsen, Christina Viafore, Bill Federice, David Edinger

Others:  Jeff Baker,  Tim Cox, Jason Merwin,  Bruce Dolph, Mary Crisafulli, Heidi Emrich, Elizabeth DeFalco, Cher Woehl

1.  Call to Order:  Ric Coombe called the meeting to order at 6:17 pm.

2.  November 22,  2022 Meeting Minutes Approval:  Motion to approve the minutes made by Ed Snow and seconded by Bud Gladstone.  Motion carried.    

3. Reports:

a.  FAD Deliverables:  Jeff provided an update on the revised FAD, sharing that there have been significant revisions made to the FAD including a proposal to move away from the core Land Acquisition Program.   Jeff shared that DEP will continue working with the work-groups to redefine the LAP and what it should be.   DEC has indicated they will not expand the SAP until it receives the DEP report.  After discussion and much information sharing, CWT Resolution #1 of 2023, which supports the revisions to the FAD, was brought to the members for approval.   Bud Gladstone made the motion to approve CWT Resolution #1 of 2023, seconded by Bill Federice.  Motion was unanimously approved and carried. 

b.  Streamside Acquisition:  Nothing to report.

c.  Flood Commission Reports:   Nothing to report

d.  CWC Report:  Jason reported the CWC Annual Meeting will be on April 4, 2023.  He also shared with the members that CWC is working on the Storm Water study which will address the design, construction and maintenance of the Inflow and Infiltration systems.  One goal of CWC is to provide ownership of the I&I systems to the local communities rather than the NYC.   Tim talked briefly about septic design providing that it would be more efficient and feasible to have the contract construction handled through the Towns/Villages rather than the city.  Jeff suggested that CWC reach out to CWT to assist with the construction contract language when they get closer to developing this part of the study.

Jason updated members on CWC’s efforts to bring DEP employees onsite at the CWC headquarters.  These efforts have proved successful as DEP employed a new attorney who will reside at CWC Headquarters.  DEP has also established 13 new positions they are currently recruiting for that will also be located at CWC Headquarters.   Ric encouraged CWT members to be advocates to help DEP fill these positions.

e.  Below the Reservoirs –  nothing to report

4.   Ric updated the members on the 2022 Membership Dues received to date.   There are still Towns/Villages that have not submitted their dues payment.  He suggested that educating the Towns/Villages on what CWT does and the benefits of CWT may help keep the membership intact which supports the goal for full participation and unified strength.  He also suggested that any briefings be accomplished with support from CWC.   It was suggested that Cher issue reminders to those Towns/Villages that have not yet remitted their dues payment. 

5.  Warrants and Treasurer’s Report:   Bud reported that as of December 31, 2022, the checking account had $6,807.40 and the savings account had $148,834.88.  David Edinger made the motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, seconded by Bill Federice.  Report accepted.   Bud presented warrant #97 in the amount of $5,547.02 for payment of November-December legal fees and October-December administrative fees.  Greg Vurckio made a motion to pay warrant #97, seconded by Ed SnowMotion carried.

6.  Members agreed that there would be no meeting in February and the next meeting will be scheduled for March 20, 2023.

7.  Adjourn:  Motion to adjourn was made by Ed Snow, seconded by Greg Vurckio.   Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 7:07 pm.