Executive Board Meeting – Dec 18, 2017

Location: CWC, Main Street, Margaretville, NY
Time: 6:15pm

Attending: Anthony Coiro, Ric Combe, William Federice, Peter Friedel, Wayland Gladstone, Art Merrill, Michael McCrary, Mark Tuthill, Greg Vurckio, Thomas Hilson, David Kukle, Chris Matthews, Jeff Baker, Esq.

Others attending: Molly Oliver, Bruce Dolph, Tim Cox, Michelle Yost, Jason Merwin, Frazier.

1. Call to Order: 6:15

2. November 20, 2017 Minutes Approval – Motion to accept, Tony Coiro, second Wayland Gladstone. Passed.

3. Letter – past due members – The letter has not yet been completed and sent out.

4. Update on FAD and 3rd Supplemental Side Agreement – Jeff and Tim summarized some of the concerns about ¶ 145 of the MOA currently being negotiated. Discussion ensued regarding terms of the contract between CWC and DEP pertaining to funds remaining at the end of the contract and how those would be managed. In response to Jeff’s request for guidance the following motion was made.
Tony Coiro motioned that any remaining funds at the end of the contract be retained under the management of the CWC until expended as per the terms of the existing 145 contract. Second by Peter Friedel. Passed.
The contract with the City could end, but the obligation would continue. Because CWC can pay the stormwater expenses faster than the City, the CWT did not want a business’ payment be delayed because of contract delays or if the City were to take over payments from CWC. The rationale being that the City’s history on these payments has been very slow on their share of the payments which could harm many of these small businesses or organizations financially. As a reminder it was mentioned that several times the businesses/ organizations had to borrow the money to pay the contractor and wait well over a year for the City’s payment.

a. Next steps-Jeff Baker reported that he, Kevin Young, Tim Cox and others have been reviewing the draft WR&Rs and will circulate their findings for input. The DOH wants to get the FAD out by the end of the year. As a reminder, the Env. Groups will not sign off on the 3rd Supplemental Side Agreement until they see the FAD.
A discussion on the status of the multiple use path in Green County ensued. Jeff has been having discussions with the City on this issue. Michelle continues to facilitate discussions. Mark Tuthill will bring this issue up for discussion with Paul Rush at the quarterly meetings with CWC, WAC, CWT and Delaware County. In response to a request from Paul Rush, Mark indicated that the CWT would hold off on pushing the issue, but not for long, contingent upon the City soon demonstrating meaningful progress on resolving the issue. Michelle reported that an analysis of acres disturbed is below one acre.
Mark reported that there a number of meetings being scheduled in January pertaining to land acquisition. Also, Paul Rush and the new Commissioner will be meeting with various watershed parties over the next month.

5. Flood Commission Reports – The monthly report from Delaware County SWCD will be sent out tomorrow. In Delaware County the Village and Town of Walton has accepted the LFA for all the tributaries and West Branch. Both boards will adopt the plan at their next meeting. The Village and Town of Delhi, Hamden, Andes will be adopting theirs at the first opportunity in 2018. Michelle Yost reported that Tannersville is nearing the end of the LFA process. A draft will be released this week. She reported that several properties are in agreement to be part of the buyout program (near the Sawmill). Hunter village will soon start Phase II of their LFA. There was a public meeting in Ashland on their LFA last week. G & H on hold. Michelle reported that Rene has had a serious health issue that will require some recuperation time.

6. CWC report – Tim reported that a well written Right of Objection letter was submitted by CWC to the DEP. Aside from the humor, he reported that CWC building will be put out to bid in a couple of months. It will take about two years to complete it. CWC is funding a project to replace a bridge in Mt Tremper. It is a $900,000 bridge on the Esopus near the juncture of Rte 212 and 28.

7. Farm Transition-The meeting in December is postponed.

8. Below the Reservoirs:
a. Delaware – FFMP signed. Grants for sirens below the Cannonsville and Pepacton were awarded. SCMP will be completed by February. The SCMP will improve chances of success in getting funding for projects.
b. Esopus
c. Schoharie

9. Warrants(s) and Treasurer’s Report:
Wayland Gladstone reported on the warrants.
Watershed Affairs – $309.00
Store Room – $50.00
Young/Sommer $3,386.34
Total $3735.44
Motion to pay the warrants by Ric Coombe, second Tony Coiro. Passed.
The savings and checking account balances were not available. Frazier reported that they will be circulated in the next day or two.
Dues Payment Update – Halcottsville is back in.

10. Other – Art Merrill made a motion to go into executive session to discuss negotiations of the FAD. Tony Coiro Seconded. Passed.
Motion to come out of Executive Session by Tony Coiro, second by Art Merrill. Passed. No actions were taken.

11. Adjourn – There was a full on sprint for a motion to adjourn, which Ric Coombe won, Art Merrill came in with a close second. Passed.