Executive Board Meeting – Aug 16, 2021

Location:   CWC Headquarters

Present:     Ric Coombe, Greg Vurckio, David Kuckle, Bill Federice, Scott Grey, Peter Friedel (phone)

Others:       Jeff Baker, Tim Cox, Jason Merwin, Nick Carbone, Cher Woehl

1. Call To Order:   Ric Coombe called the meeting to order at 6:20 p.m.

2. July 21, 2021, Minutes Approval:   Motion to approve minutes made by Greg Vurckio.  Second by Dave Kuckle.  Motion carried.

3. Ric raised the question regarding the use of Zoom for “in-person” meetings.  Tim clarified that technically Zoom is not allowed for meetings where participants attend in person. 

4. CWT Administrative Support:  Ric provided a brief background summary on the administrative support position.  In the past, the CWT chair brought the administrative assistant along with them.   While the CWT was more than happy to have the administrative assistant position remain in Delaware, that was not feasible at this time.  As a result, Ric recommended it could be feasible to have the position filled by an employee of the CWT chair township.  Making the position inter-municipal allows for the salary to be paid directly to the employee thru the town’s payroll system.  CWT would reimburse the municipality for the administrative assistant services based on the agreed amount and as stipulated in an MOA contract.  This proposal would keep the administrative assistant function inter-municipal and eliminate the need for CWT to establish its own payroll accounting system.   Ric discussed this proposal with the Town of Neversink Board, who agreed with the idea if approved by CWT.   The motion was made by Dave Kuckle and seconded by Peter Friedel to contract with the Town of Neversink to hire a current employee for the Administrative Assistant position.  Motion Carried.    

Members discussed the salary and average monthly hours for the Administrative Assistant.   It was suggested that a set stipend for the month be established for a set number of hours, with any additional hours to be paid at an hourly rate.   Based on the past Administrative Assistant hours, Ric recommended ten (10) hours per month at $350 (monthly salary) with $20 per hour for any additional hours worked above the 10.   Jeff said the contract would include this information with an effective date of September 1, 2021, and with language that provides for terminability by either party within 30 days.    The motion was made by Bill Federice and seconded by Peter Friedel to include the recommended stipends in the contract.  Motion carried.   Jeff will develop the contract.  Ric introduced Cher, the Town of Neversink Parks and Recreation Director, who has agreed to accept the position if acceptable to the CWT and once the contract is enacted.

5. General Housekeeping:  There was a discussion on housekeeping and best option for administrative email.  It was suggested that the easiest and cleanest way for mail would be to establish Gmail accounts.  It was also suggested to look into using the Google Gmail suite of options for the administrative needs, such as meeting schedules, etc.

6. Document Storage:  Tim reported all the CWT documents have now been relocated to the CWC facility for storage.   They are looking to obtain money for hiring an intern to digitalize all the documents.  After the meeting, Tim would show everyone the storage area.

7. Request for Document Review:  Jeff  reported that they have received a request from a Philadelphia graduate student (Anna) to review the CWT records as part of her study.  For her study, the records would be opened and made available to her during normal business hours in a specified area.  She is looking to review the records sometime during September 9th – 20th.  Jeff said that permission to access the records is subject to CWC approval.  Tim said that CWC is open to whatever the CWT recommends.  Tim and Jeff will work out the agreement stating that CWT and CWC are okay with this request.

8. Elections:  Ric reminded everyone that they need to get moving on the elections.   All positions are up for re-election.

9. Quarterly Meeting:  The quarterly meeting with the leads from all watershed organizations   (CWT, CWC, WAC, etc.) is tentatively scheduled for September 10th.   Purpose of this meeting to have dialogue on all issues organizations are facing.

10. Reports:
a.  FAD deliverables:  No report

b.  Streamside Acquisition:  No report

c.  Flood Commission Reports:  No report

d. CWC Report:  Jason reported on the septic program contract with the NYC.  They are having contract issues and will not be awarding any new septic program requests until the issues are resolved.   Progress is being made on addressing and resolving the issues.   Jason also reported that NYC is evaluating how CWC manages their contracts.  CWC has provided responses on each contracted evaluated to date.  One issue CWC is facing is that the contracts are deviating from the original contracts, with language revisions made by city attorneys.  This is causing issues.  Ric said that CWT can be of service to CWC with addressing and resolving these issues.  

e.  Below the Reservoirs:  No report  

11. Warrant(s) and Treasurer Report: There is $4137.84 in the checking account and $130,873.03 in the savings account.   Peter Friedel made the motion to accept the Treasurer’s report.  Second by Dave Kuckle.   Motion carried.

Greg Vurckio motioned to pay the warrant for:
Delaware County Admin services –           $   500.00
Legal fees to Jeff Baker –                             $   814.00
For a total warrant of –                               $ 1314.00
Second by Dave Kuckle.  Motion carried.       
$50 storage fee payment is deferred due to relocation of files to new space.  

12. Other:  As we are not allowed to Zoom at this point if meeting also has people attending in person, Ric said to plan on meeting at the CWC facility in September. 

13. Adjourn:   Motion to adjourn meeting made by Greg Vurckio.  Second by Bill Federice.  Meeting adjourned at 7:33 pm.