Executive Board Meeting – April 16, 2018

Location: CWC, Main Street Margaretville, NY
Time: 6:15 pm

Present: Mark Tuthill, Anthony Coiro, Ric Coombe, William Federice, Peter Friedel, Wayland Gladstone, Michael McCrary, Greg Vurckio, Thomas Hilson.
Others: Larry Underwood, Aaron Bennett, Molly Oliver, Tim Cox, Jason Merwin, Michelle Yost and Frazier.

1. Call to Order

2. March 19, 2018 Minutes – Ric Coombe moved to accept them. Second by Pete Friedel. Passed.

3. Update on 3rd Supplemental Side Agreement Status – Mr. Baker reported it will be circulated for signatures.

4. Stake holders meetings
a. Town level assessments
i. Mark mentioned everyone received the comments from Jeff regarding the DEP’s offer. Will see how the meeting goes on the 17th. Mark sought feedback regarding Land Acq. The overall sense is that the CWT would like to see it end or at the very least focus on more sensitive land. Swaps might hold some possibility. Mike McCrary raised the issue of SAP lands needing access. So if there is a parcel that will be subdivided, the stream portion need to be a flag lot. This issue and others all need to be addressed. Some towns may need or want to change their subdivision laws to accommodate some of the subdivision issues.
ii. Next meeting – April 17th
b. Farm transition – Comments submitted from Del. Co. – not discussed

5. Reports
a. Flood Commission Reports – Brief reports were given. Many LFAs done and adopted. Some beginning to implement projects. Village of Stamford is interested in an LFA. Towns have submitted SMIP grant applications for some of the projects. There are about 15 applications. There is a short list of projects that could use CWC funding. Roxbury is moving ahead with an LFA. Aaron reported on Mt. Tremper. A lot of coordination going on to get a reuse permit request from FEMA to use some buyout properties. There is a need to decommission and remove an ACOE berm. In mid-May, DOT will hold a public meeting to inform the public. Boiceville is doing a planning study. Visioning the future for hamlet redevelopment. Kick off in Mid-May. Rt 28 in Boiceville is currently flooding in a 25 year storm. Town needs more information. If 28 is going to flood, what good is it to build another bridge? Concerns about shutting down the Shandaken Bridge below the current bridge. Response time for Emergency Service could create some serious situations.

b. CWC report – Nice annual meeting. Large crowd. Standing room only.

c. Below the Reservoirs
i. Delaware – PAC meeting scheduled for Phase I of the SCMP. Funding for Phase II is looking good from ARC. Graydon and Larry met with Colchester. They will enter into an MOU with the SWCD to provide support to the town.
ii. Esopus
iii. Schoharie

d. Warrants(s) and Treasurer’s Report
i. Savings balance $65,451.23, Checking balance $796.94. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report, Mike McCrary. Second by Pete Friedel. Passed
ii. $5,760.35. Motion to pay the warrants by Pete Friedel. Second by Mike McCrary. Passed.

6. Other – New member and new alternate – Tom Hilson will step in to take Art Merrill’s place, still need two alternates.

7. Meeting Adjourned at 6:36 PM. Motion by Tony Coiro and second by Ric Coombe. Passed.

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